VAPOR TRAILS AND WHITETAILS – that about says it all!
We have more Coues whitetail meeting vapor trails than you have ever seen before. A lot of us addicts think hunting Coues deer is really close to heaven. You will see enough of these comets to make you a believer in Coues deer heaven also. Here you will see every way we’ve hunted these little/big deer over the last few years. We have archery coues deer, muzzleloader and rifle coues deer hunts. Archery is up close and personal, while calling we use both grunt tubes and horns. We will also stalk on a few hunts all for Pope and Young bucks. We also have a lot of rifle hunts – some with spectacular comets arcing at big whitetail bucks. With 16 hunts and deer scoring over 120 points there is more action than a poor bedeviled Coues addict can stand.
Want to learn a little bit about whitetail? Over the last 15 years Mike Miller and Mike Whelan have guided for hunts on which more than 350 Coues whitetail deer have been harvested. On this DVD they share their experiences. So buckle up and join us on a Coues whitetail deer safari. All Fair Chase, Always 85 Min. of great Coues deer hunting.